For this assignment, you will be tasked with researching and writing about an injustice of your choice. Your paper will have multiple sections: describing the injustice and proving it exists, explaining why it is an injustice and who causes it. Explaining why the people causing the injustice choose to do so. And, finally, describing groups that fight against the injustice.

The paper should be about four pages long, double-spaced.

Step one: Pick a topic. You can choose whatever injustice interests you in some way. Maybe it’s something you know of, but don’t know why it happens, or something we have looked at in class.

Your topic should also be narrow – for example picking a topic like “racism” would be too broad. Add detail and specificity, for example “racism faced by French citizens with ancestors from West Africa,” and you’ve selected a topic that can be handled in a short paper. Similarly, “political corruption” is an impossibly large topic. “Police bribery in the Bahamas” would be a topic that works for a paper like this.

Step two: Do the research. Gather and read journal articles, organization mission statements, another materials relevant to your topic. You will need to cite at least two academic journal articles in your paper, as well as finding information about at least one organization that fights against the injustice you are writing about.

Step three: Write the paper. Your paper should consist of several distinct sections, as outlined below. While writing, you need to include IN-TEXT citations. A works cited page at the end of this paper will NOT be sufficient. You MUST cite, in the text of your paper itself, every source you use, each time you use ideas or information from a source.

The first section of your paper should describe the injustice.

Describe the injustice: what does it look like? How does it work when it happens? Why it is an injustice: what harm results? Why do those who suffer from the injustice have a reasonable expectation of better treatment?

The second section of your paper should describe who causes the injustice and why.

Explain who or what structure within society causes the injustice. Was this injustice created as a result of legislation? Economic structure? Why is the injustice caused? Is there a benefit (economic, political?) to the perpetrators of this injustice? Good research will help you know the answers to the questions about who causes the injustice.

The third section of your paper should describe who fights against the injustice.

Describe an organization (or two) who fight against the injustice. Who are they? How do they fight against they injustice? Do their tactics fighting the injustice make a difference? The journal articles you have read and information from the organization(s) themselves or (reliable) information sources writing or talking about the organization(s) should help you answer these questions.