Topic: G20 Economic summary (pre/post virus impact)
As this is an assignment for Macroeconomics (Econ 1005) this assignment is Macro in scope and by the time this assignment is due, you will have read about the primary economic policy tool kit used by Governments and Central Banks around the world.
*REMINDER: using or will result in severe penalty.
- How did your Country of choice react to the virus with policy options at their disposal (What monetary and fiscal policy decisions did they make?). Did it work?
- If you think it would help the reader understand the data referenced, make sure to include a graphs or charts of each metric you submit in the economic summary along with an explanation of what it is measuring written in your own words.
- Write this assignment as if the person reading it has never taken an Economics course before so make sure to explain what you are presenting.
A complete citation/reference list is expected to be done according to the most recent APA standards for any material you use. Your summary should be at least one page but no more than three using double spacing in 11 or 12 pt font.
If you are struggling for the right place to start, try asking the School librarian for suggested readings.
WARNING, any work screened for plagiarism will be caught and will be formally written up which may affect not only your grade, but your official transcript. Ignorance of what constitutes an academic offense is NOT an excuse – if it’s not in your OWN words, then you are likely committing an offense. Ask your professor if you are unsure. If your Turnitin score looks high to you, it probably is.
Submissions: Submit either .doc/.docx or .pdf into the FOL drop-box by 11:00 pm on the due date listed on the course schedule. Late assignments, even if a few minutes, will not be accepted.