The main requirement for choosing the project topic is its focus and relevance to brand management. Examples of topics may include comparisons of brands that share similar target segments, issues that brands in a specific product category are facing, analysis of brands that are preferred (or disliked) by a specific customer segment, and an analysis of potential expansion by a certain brand.

This project is data-driven. Hence, in order to support your project’s argument, make sure to use brand-related data (which can be collected through library resources, company data bases, websites, and any other resources that you see fit).
Brand Segmentation Project. – Select two brands that sell products in the same general product category but have very different styles (for example, BMW vs. Toyota). How are these two brands different in terms of marketing indexes (e.g., market share, market growth, price, etc.,)? Who are their main target consumers and why? How do these brands try to appeal to their customers? What is your overall evaluation of their branding approaches? Do you see any issues with their current brand image or branding strategies? What do you recommend for each of these brands to improve their branding practices?
You can use as many figures and tables as you wish but make sure that they add something to the analysis. Copying figures and tables from external sources is prohibited. I encourage you to back up your analysis with data, but please create your own exhibits.
What is the context? Why is it interesting? What is the contribution of your project? What do you hope to discover?

Analysis of the brand-related situation using data
Data that you will use can include primary data that you have collected or market-based secondary data (for example, from Yahoo Finance or Library resources). You can also add qualitative data which may include online brand community comments (where consumers discuss the brands) and consumer reviews. Please let me know if you have trouble finding data or if you are not sure what kind of data to collect. Again, online materials can also be used. Try to use a variety of data sources to showcase the problem, along with your conclusions and recommendations.

If appropriate, use tables or figures if they help your analysis. Refer to the tables/figures in your text but include them at the end of the paper.

Conclusions from data analysis
What are the main findings of your research? What does it mean for your branding context/problem (Branding implications)? What makes your findings intriguing and useful? If needed, use tables or figures to illustrate your conclusions. Refer to the tables/figures in text but include them at the end of the paper.
Include recommendations based on your conclusions from data analysis (you can add managerifktal implications, if applicable).