1. Introduction: Safety and Quality Dashboards
  2. What are safety and quality dashboards?
  3. How do they help health care organizations drive safety and quality throughout the organization?
  4. Introduction: Metric Selection
  5. How do health care organizations determine what to measure? Be sure to consider:

-External Factors—regulators, payors, the health care industry.

-Internal Factors—self-identified improvement areas. For example, one organization’s safety and quality dashboard may highlight patient falls because its rate of falls is higher than the national average. This may also have resulted in

Increased costs to the organization.

  1. Introduction: CQI Tools
  2. What is continuous quality improvement (CQI)?
  3. What CQI tools do we use to obtain, measure, and report data?
  4. Introduction: Quality Improvement Team’s Role
  5. What is a quality improvement team?
  6. Why is a quality improvement team important to health care organizations’ achievement of safety and quality objectives?
  7. What is this team’s role in addressing reported measures?
  8. Quality Director: Dashboard Metrics
  9. Which dashboard metric is of most interest to the quality director?

B)What does this metric mean?

  1. Why is this metric important?
  2. Quality Director: 3 Recommendations
  3. What three recommendations would have the most impact on addressing this metric?
  4. Which quality models could increase quality of patient care and outcomes for this metric?
  5. Patient Safety Officer: Dashboard Metrics
  6. Which dashboard metric is of most interest to the patient safety officer?
  7. What does this metric mean?
  8. Why is this metric important?
  9. How can the patient safety officer help to improve this metric?
  10. Risk Manager: Dashboard Metrics
  11. Which dashboard metric is of most interest to the risk manager?
  12. What does this metric mean?
  13. Why is this metric important?
  14. How can the risk manager help the organization improve this metric?
  15. Senior Leadership: Dashboard Metrics
  16. What is senior leadership’s role (CEO, President, Senior VP) in driving safety and quality improvement initiatives?
  17. What are next steps given the dashboard findings and the quality director’s improvement recommendations?
  18. Conclusion: Safety and Quality Dashboards
  19. Which regulatory agency(ies) may be concerned about the findings in this dashboard?
  20. Why would regulators be concerned about these findings?
  21. In summary, why are safety and quality dashboards important for monitoring key metrics in health care organizations?
  22. Cite References in APA format