Critically examine the posting of your peer. How does the description of the occurrence contribute to your understanding of the significance of budgeting in your personal or professional lives?

Peer’s discussion post:

Strategic goal alignment is the process of keeping a company’s workforce working towards the company’s primary goals. When goals are set for companies, there are steps that must be taken to make certain that the employees are informed about what they need to work on and why. Managers must make certain that the set goals and work are aligned with primary goals of the company. Proper strategic alignment confirms that the work is being effectively and efficiently applied (Lavoie, 2014).

At my work place, we are required to meet certain goals every month which are, 14 calls a day or 300 a month and a 80% accuracy. Our accuracy score comes from processing cases. If the case was not processed 100% right, that will lower the individuals accuracy for the month. When you are hired at DHHS, you start of as a trainee for the first 6 months or more after being hired. In order to be released for trainee status, the worker has to maintain a consistent 80% accuracy and 14 calls a day or 300 a month. This will help the company determine if you are catching on to the work and will be able to continuing hitting your goal after being promoted from trainee status. While in trainee status you are on a probation period and if you are not meeting the goals, the company will conclude you are not the best for the job and helping reach its monthly goal, so they can let you go. As a trainee social worker you do not make the promised full hourly wage as a social worker who is not a trainee. This is because the company does not want to the higher amount if the worker is not as qualified as the company thought. The in class-training process takes about 6 weeks and that alone saves the company money because they are paying $14 an hour instead of $17. Social workers will continue to make the $14 an hour until they are promoted out of trainee status so the company is not losing as much money in case someone decides to quit before being promoted.