PLEASE NOTE: We mark anonymously which means you MUST NOT PUT YOUR NAME on any of your assignments. We don’t want to be able to identify you.
The formative assignment plan is designed to support you to develop your thinking about how you will address the assignment– the report. In particular, the assignment plan will help you think how you will address the marking criteria for the report .
What you have to do:
Write a FIVE PART PLAN – 300 words in the ASSIGNMENT FORMAT:
Part 1) Introduction: Indicate your case’s study’s purpose (ie business objectives or similar) and values (Learning outcomes 1 and 2)
Part 2) Discussion: the people management approach of your selected case study
Part 3) Discussion: How effective is the case study’s overall approach to recruitment and selection, and how far does their approach to recruitment and selection support the organisation’s purpose, supported by appropriate theory and examples from the case study. (Learning outcomes 1 and 2)
Part 4) Conclusion: that is based on Part b) that demonstrates a decision about the case study’s approach to recruitment and selection and how it supports the organisation’s objectives (Learning outcomes 2 and 3)
Part 5). Recommendations: THREE practical and realistic recommendations that are based on previous discussions and evaluation discussed in b) c) and d) above (Learning outcomes 1,2,3)