The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate the application of module content to the management of a change process in an organisational environment. Candidates should seek to apply relevant concepts, theory, and frameworks from the module readings. Application of relevant subject matter from wider reading is welcomed.


You should select an organisation that is experiencing problems or challenges.

You should analyse the current situation, where possible using change management terminology.

You should then identify and critically apply a suitable approach (or approaches) that could be used to address the challenge or difficulties.

You should outline steps to implement a change management process that applies relevant conceptual material in response to the problems or challenges identified.

You should also consider any possible difficulties that may emerge in the process of implementation and how these can be addressed.

The essay should contain a description of the change process that is to be undertaken, the types of issues that the implementation may raise for managers and staff, and how these can be addressed. It is not appropriate to describe a change process that has already occurred.

Selection of organisations

Students may select any organisation for the case, but the scenarios outlined should not be a copy of the group work covered in the seminars or direct repeat of cases used in class. The organisation or the scenario may be fictional, or loosely based on a real case or combination of cases.


The essay should start with an introduction that sets the scene and provides contextual information about the organisation and its need for change (such as the type of organisation, its role, where it is based and the problem it faces). The main part of the essay should focus on the change process itself, its implementation challenges and expected outcomes. The essay should outline the proposed change process and discuss how it can be managed. Advantages and disadvantages of the change process should also be outlined. It is essential that the essay draws on relevant concepts, theory and frameworks from the literature around Managing Change. You should also include conclusions and a section in which you list the sources used in the appropriate standard formal academic style.