Assessment 2: Investigating an organisational issue

This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin®.
Length: 2000
Weight: 40%
Due date: End of Week 3 (11.59pm Sunday)
In this assessment you are required to investigate and industry issue. This issue must be critically analysed in terms of implications and applications for management practice and organisational strategy.
You must select an organisational issue to investigate. You can choose one of the following:
• the issue from your business action research proposal in BMO6630 Business Research Methods;
• one of the three client briefs (you can find a full profile for each of the three clients in Assessment 2 client cases)
o Client 1: The Sonic Supermarket Chain (large business)
o Client 2: Veronica Lane fashion retailer (medium sized business)
o Client 3: Little Korea Restaurant (small local business).
• a problem from your current work context that you are keen to examine as an internal consultant.
For your chosen issue, you or your client will seek funding through a Shark Tank pitch in Assessment 3.
This assessment supports unit learning outcomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.
Your assessment submission should include a cover page. Download the Cover page template (DOCX 12 KB).
1. Identify the industry in which your organisation operates. Using the organisational SWOT and industry PESTLE analysis completed in Week 2, identify key issues of strategic importance. (200 words)
2. Select one key issue and justify. This issue should be significant in terms of implications for the organisation’s strategic performance and outcomes. (200 words)
3. Critically review and evaluate the selected core issue in the literature. (500 words)
4. Critically analyse the implications for the organisation and/or stakeholders and author a problem statement that considers potential ethical and sustainability implications. (600 words)
5. Devise at least three innovative solutions, then select and justify two key recommendations, articulating how they will add value to the organisation. (500 words)
Supporting resources
Harvard referencing: Home (Victoria University Library 2019) has a variety of Harvard referencing resources that you can use.

Rubric Criteria
C1. Effective communication and use of academic literacies (5Marks)
C2. Identification and outline of the industry in which your organisation operates (10 Marks)
C3. Identification of key issues of strategic importance using the consulting methods outlined in Weeks 1 to 3 (10 Marks)
C4. Selection and justification of one key issue in terms of its implications for the organisation’s strategic performance and outcomes (10 Marks)
C5. Critical review and evaluation of the selected key issue in the literature (15 Marks)
C6. Critical analysis of the implications for the organisation and/or stakeholders and authoring of a problem statement that considers the organisation and the environment within which it operates (20 Marks)
C7. Devising of at least three innovative solutions, and justification of one key recommendation, articulating how it will add value to the organisation (20 Marks)
C8. Correct use of the Harvard referencing style and inclusion of a reference list (10 Marks)

Assessment 2 client cases
Client 1: The Sonic Supermarket Chain (large business)
Issue: Supermarket employee on the frontline of customer frustration and aggression.
The operations manager at Sonic Supermarkets has contacted Connect Consulting to discuss issues around customer frustration, rage, and aggression currently being experienced by their check out/ register staff. There have been several instances where staff have been verbally abused, physically assaulted and threaten by customers due to the shortage of basic household goods. A number of staff are visibly upset and stressed because they are not used to being treated so poorly in their workplace. In fact several staff have indicated that they are experiencing anxiety and are intending to file a workplace compensation claim. Other employees are refusing to take shifts on the register, or have called in sick because they just cannot cope with such a stressful the situation.
Operations manager Ray Ramone indicated that the organization is very concerned about staff wellbeing, and welfare. The business cannot afford multiple workers compensation claims, and is worried about the growing occurrence of absenteeism.
Ray needs information, advice and strategies to help Sonic Supermarkets deal with these operational staffing issues. As the lead consultant for this case outline a plan of action to address the immediate issues and manage the situation in the long term.
Client 2: Veronica Lane fashion retailer (medium sized business)
Transitioning to an online work environment.
As a brand Veronica Lane has experienced phenomenal growth and established a strong market presence in Australia in the last decade, and was on the verge of branching out internationally, when talk of another global financial crisis relating to a potential recession or worse economic recession emerged. A key component of the Veronica Lane business model is to provide specialized fashion clothing and styling to women. Their target demographic consists of profession women aged between 30-60 (with discretionary income). Veronica Lane has a basic website that show cases the latest fashion, and before the health crisis the business was intending to expand the website to allow for online shopping, and provide the service of online fashion styling. Although presently remaining open, the current evolving situation means that Veronica Lane will most likely have to close its shop fronts, and establish an online business sooner rather than later. This shift to online retailing will mean that existing head office will need to work remotely from home and remaining sales staff will need to take on new roles in warehousing and distribution and processing of online orders.The CEO Sally Electra has contacted Connect Consulting for advice, strategies and information about how to prepare for the expansion of the online retailing business. Sally needs advice regarding preparing staff for store closures, adapting to selling online and transitioning to working from home among other potential issue.
Client 3: Little Korea Restaurant (small local business)
Changing business model due to government mandated shut down of the economy.
The current global health crisis gripping the world has had devastating consequences for society and businesses. The Australian government response to curtail this health threat has lead to a shut down of large sections of the economy impacting that is majorly impacting the hospitality sector and small business. Mrs Kim runs the Little Korea restaurant located in the northern suburbs of Victoria. The specialty Korean spicy Fried Chicken (KSFC) is a very popular dish on the menu. The business has been very successful up until the last 12 months and had a large customer base and following. During this period the business has notice a significant down turn in bookings and customer patronage due to another Korean restaurant opening further down the street. Mrs Kim was considering selling the business, however, the present global health crisis means that she will not get very much for the business, and may end up in a dire financial situation.
Mrs Kim has contacted Connect Consulting for advice on whether she should go ahead and sell the business and risk a large financial loss, or continue operating the business. Mrs Kim was watching the 6 o’clock news and noticed that a number of other restaurants facing similar government restrictions on trading have changed their business model to include take-away food services, and online ordering. Advise Mrs Kim as to which strategy she should follow given the level of uncertainty in the Australian business economy.