1. Create or develop your own SME. Why is it interesting? What product does your company have to offer? What services does your company offer?
2. How did you identify that there is need for a new product or service? How did you identify a business opportunity/gap? How did you capture this opportunity?
3. Will the business idea help local communities (social entrepreneurship etc), if yes, how?
4. Is your business idea part of a start up or a family firm? If it is a startup, then you will face scarcity of resources issue. How do you plan to overcome this challenge? Will you use network, etc?
5. How will you fund your firm or business idea? Will you use angel investors? Venture capital? Crowd funding? Which platforms? (refer to lecture slides for examples).
6. How will you protect intellectually the business idea?
7. How will you expand your business idea in foreign markets (will you have to change the product or service there-transformation part). Which market will you enter? Who are your main competitors? Which entry mode will you use (Upsalla model, contractual etc) ? What is your market segment (young people, socio-economic characteristics (income etc). how will you promote or advertise your business idea?
8. Include graphs, tables and statistics
9. Cite your report properly and add reference list at the end.