Page | 1BIM Execution Plan: Domestic AIM CreationIntroduction:The purpose of this assignmentis to producea post contract award BIM Execution Plan for the development of an information model capturing geometry and asset information contained within a domestic home. This must be done in response to an Employers Information Requirement (EIR) provided(BRE123-BRE-XX-XX-SP-K-001).Theexercise is to be delivered asanindividual assignment.1.Project Information:The following information has been provided to each studentand is needed to compile a post contract award BIM Execution Plan:1.1.Role as specified by PAS 1192-2:2013:Client:BREBucknalls Lane, Watford, Hertfordshire, WD25 9XXEmployers Representative:<Lecturer>BREBucknalls Lane, Watford, Hertfordshire, WD25 9XXMobile:077009005500The supply chain for delivery of this information model may be seenbelow:Lead Designer/ Contractor:Discipline: ArchitectsAlexander M TurnbullCreative Architects LTD (CAR)24 Wrexham RoadFelbridgeRH19 1WPMobile: 077 8384 6877

Page | 2Task TeamsDiscipline: Mechanical EngineerEdward J CrawfordSpanners LTD (SPN)98 Stroude RoadBirminghamSR 34GPMobile: 078 8438 5855Discipline: Electrical EngineersLouise J LyonsSparks Electricals LTD (SEL)5 Hendford HillLondonHR8 9RRMobile: 077 4434 40311.2.Plan of work stages:The Post Contract-award BEP should only cover stage 6 (Handover& Closeout) where there is a requirement of information exchange between the client and the supply chain.Section 3.1 ofBRE123-BRE-XX-XX-SP-K-001 explains exactly what information is required in response to the Plain Language Questions outlined in Appendix A. Studentsare not expected to produce this information physically as it has already been provided. Themodels, COBie files and drawings have all been included. What studentsare required to do is to use this information to create TIDPs, an MIDP and a Responsibility Matrix which form part of the BEP.The files provided are listed below:Model Files:BRE123-CAR-ZZ-ZZ-M3-A-0001.rvtBRE123-SEL-ZZ-ZZ-M3-E-0001.rvtBRE123-SPN-ZZ-ZZ-M3-M-0001.rvtDrawings:BRE123-CAR-ZZ-ZZ-M2-A-1000.pdfBRE123-CAR-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-1001.pdfBRE123-CAR-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-2001.pdfBRE123-CAR-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-3001.pdfBRE123-CAR-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-6001.pdfCOBie:BRE123-CAR-ZZ-XX-IE-A-0001.xlsxBRE123-SEL-ZZ-ZZ-IE-E-0001.xlsxBRE123-SPN-ZZ-ZZ-IE-M-0001.xlsxThese files can be found withinMoodle.

Page | 32.Deliverables:The BEP should include the following Appendices:Task Information Delivery PlansMaster Information Delivery PlanResponsibility MatrixAttribute DataSchedule of Existing InformationTo help with the development of the BEP, an example copy from DanRossiter’sblog, 7001-BBH-XX-XX-MS-A-0001and the CPIx Post Contract-award BEP Template havealso been provided.It would also be advantageous to visit Dan Rossiter’s blog @ Criteria for Grading:3.1.The BEP Assignment constitutes 50% of your overall mark for this module.3.2.On the cover page put: project title, university logo, module name & number, university name,studentname & numberandyear.3.3.The Assignmentis to be handed in digitally.3.4.Check for plagiarism before submission.3.5.The BEP should contain all the headings specifiedin section 7.2, PAS 1192-2:2013. 3.6.Assessment of the BEP will be on:Structure of report (layout, spelling, grammar, professionalism of style, references, coherence and logic of information)Completion and accuracy of documents.4.Submit via Canvas