5-6 pages typed, double-spaced, with one-inch margins
My texts:
Feng Menglong, “Du Tenth Sinks the Jewel Box in Anger”,
Rabindranath tagore- punishment
My Question: What do the actions from the women in this text describe what it is like to be a woman in the world? What does it mean to be a woman in this world ? For example, both women choose death instead of dealing with their husbands, which shows how powerful and controlling men can be.
Drawing on any two readings we’ve read over the semester, consider the complicated relationship between the individual and society as it’s explored in the works we’ve read. What issues emerge when society’s demands are not in line with the desires of the individual? How do the authors we’ve studied see that struggle?
This is a broad subject, so you will need to narrow your scope in order to construct a tightly focused analytical essay. Your written topic (to be submitted by Friday, Nov. 27th) should show how you’ve adapted the broad issue of the individual and society to suit the particular texts you’re discussing. For example, you might choose to think about the issue in terms of gender and focus your attention on the conflict between societal demands and individual desires as they relate to women in two of the texts you’ve read. (This is just one example; we could come up with many more!) Formulate your topic in the form of a question you are asking about the two texts you’ve chosen. Keep in mind that this is an analytical essay, not a descriptive one; be sure that your paper does more than simply describe the two texts you’re discussing.  You can guide your thinking in a more analytical direction by asking “so what?” and providing an answer. This means not just letting us know what happens in the two texts, but also giving us a way of understanding or interpreting it.
One strategy you may find useful for coming up with your topic is as follows:
–What two texts do you want to write about?
–What area of overlap do you see between the two texts?
–What are you asking about the two texts?
–Once you’ve identified the question you’re asking about your two texts, be sure that your question is not a “yes or no” or “either/or” question and that you will be providing an answer to the “so what?” question.
You may choose your texts from anywhere in the syllabus up to and including “The Metamorphosis.” However you may not write about the text you wrote about in your first paper of the semester. Like your first essay, this paper is a close textual analysis, based on your own thinking about the texts we’ve studied. DO NOT CONSULT ANY SECONDARY SOURCES IN THE PROCESS OF WRITING THIS PAPER

Punishment Text


Du tenth Text