Coetzee’s The Lives of Animals contains passionate debates about vegetarianism and the value of human and nonhuman life.

J.M. Coetzee is a South African writer who passionately identifies as a vegetarian himself. His other most famous novels include Waiting for the Barbarians and Disgrace, the latter of which is a devastating look at race and sexuality in the post-apartheid state (apartheid was the legal system of segregation and disenfranchisement of the black population).

For this Discussion Post, choose two quotes from the novel: one which you agree with and one which you disagree with. After the quote, follow up with a brief explanation of why you agree or disagree. There is no need to “blend” the quote into your writing, but remember that you must do this for every formal essay.

Part 1:

What do you think is one example of a work of art? You can choose a book, a movie, a song, a recipe, a building, a person, a painting, a national park, etc. What makes it art to you? Is it an example of defamiliarization? Does it provide cathartic release? Start by describing your example with a sentence or two, as if no one in your group has heard of it before (and feel free to add links, but make sure it is appropriate). Then explain why you find your example artistic (100 – 200 words).

Part 2:

Professor Hayles argues that the younger the student, the more likely the student may struggle with deep attention and prefer to learn with hyper attention. Have you noticed that media seems to be “faster” these days? Have you seen a Hollywood film from the 1940’s and gotten bored quickly? Have you noticed your younger brothers or sisters struggling to concentrate? Start by stating, in two or three sentences, whether or not you agree with Hayles’ argument, or if you agree with part of her argument but not all of it and why. Then, give an example of something that demands either hyper attention or deep attention (hopefully an example of something you like and want to talk about… why not choose a book or movie or activity you like) and explafktin why (100 – 200 words).