Please try to finish this assignment in 1 hr and 30 mins. Just answer the given questions according to the provided documents. short answers should be about 3 sentences.
Short answer questions:
*For Buckminster Fuller, why is the earth a spaceship? What are the moral implications?
*What does the whale represent in Langdon Winner’s article?
*Why does Amory Lovins argue that we should re-invest in natural capital?
*Does J.K. Galbraith propose a technological solution to the problem he is discussing?
*In the Tragedy of the Commons, are the people doing what is in their best interest?
*Does Schumacher argue that we will benefit from labor-saving technology?
*Is Ian Barbour, by his definition, an optimist with regard to technology?
*Identify the racists involved in Langdon Winner’s discussion of the parkway overpasses.
*What does Karl Marx mean by ‘class conflict’?
*For Jacques Ellul, is there a way out of the technological order? Why?
*According to Marinetti, what is there that we can learn from the past?
*For the Ted Kaczinsky (the Unabomber) how can we regain the opportunity to undergo the so-called ‘power process’?