MGT week 2 Required Text:Essentials of the Legal Environment Today (5th Edition) Author: Roger LeRoy MillerISBN: 978-1-305-26267-6Read Chapter 3 Business Ethics and answer For Review questions 1-5 on page 82. Read Chapter 4 Business and the Constitution and answer For Review questions 1-5 on page 106.B. Practical Aspects of Business LawAccording to, Corporate Social Responsibility, often abbreviated “CSR,” is acorporation’sinitiatives to assess and take responsibility for the company’s effects on environmental and social wellbeing. While the law does not mandate businesses to undertake CSR initiatives, many do so voluntarily and in the spirit of good corporate citizenship. Select a company (domestic or international) that will be the basis of your research. Research the company’s record in the area of CSR. Complete a written assignment that contains the following information:
1.A brief (one-paragraph) summary of the business you selected. What is the name of business? Where is their headquarters? What do they do? What do they make? What type of services do they offer?
2.Describe some of the company’s CSR activities. A helpful resource with this paper is the company’s CSR annual report. You can access these reports by typing in the name of your company and the words “CSR annual report” in your Internet search engines. Most companies issue these once a year and they are easy to find on the Internet. You may also use articles in the popular press that discuss some of the company’s CSR issues for that year.
3. Does this company’s approach to CSR influence your purchasing decisions? What is it specifically about your company’s CSR initiative that would influence your decision whether or not to purchase the company’s goods or services? Be specific.