Collect and analyze observation data. Choose any TV show (Real Housewives of Potomac) except for a news-related broadcast; reality TV (Real Housewives of Potomac) might work exceptionally well for this assignment. Using the premise of the show as your case, develop an observation grid. The grid should include the explicit elements of the show—characters, scenes, plot—as well as the more implicit elements—themes, images, metaphors, undercurrents of emotion, and so forth. Watch an hour of the show and complete the grid as detailed as possible. Then, form a set of assertions based on your observation.

Include the following:
•The completed observation grid
•The set of assertions formed based on your observation
•A response to the questions below:
1. How did you analyze your observation data to form assertions?
2. How would you determine whether your assertions were trustworthy?
3. What might be the differences between watching a TV show and observing a real-life situation? What influence did camera angles have on your observation?
4. What observation skills have you learned in this assignment that can be transferred to a real-world observation?