Write a minimum of 500 words, double spaced, paper discussing the industry or career field you are planning to pursue when you graduate. Further guidance will be provided in class. Follow APA Format for this paper. You must cite a minimum of 3 sources.
Helpful Hints

What kinds of information do you think would be helpful in learning about a career? The goal of this assignment is to gain thorough and accurate insight into the field you wish to pursue.

What degrees are required?
If graduate school is necessary, what does it take to get into a program?
What schools offer your program?
What skills do you need to have to be successful?
What are the different career paths in your industry?
What technology do you need to understand?
What are the work activities?
What is the lifestyle like of someone who works in the industry (hours/salary)?
What does a typical day look like?
What professional associations are associated with this industry and what do those associations do?
What does entry-level look like? Mid-level? Long-term?
Where can you do this job? Is it location specific?
Who might be a recognizable icon in your field?