Here you will tie everything together from the semester to answer the following question: What role does Rhetoric play in the 21st Century.
Rhetoric and writing have changed so much since the time of Plato. Writing and Rhetoric have even drastically changed in the last few years. Rhetoric itself has been defined in so many ways with so many connotations. This is an open-ended essay where you will ponder the current role it serves. You can think about this in any terms you see fit, ie the current political climate, current digital culture, how it pertains to your own field(s) of study and interests, or how your role exists inside of it. In your analysis as you find your own answer to this question, you will be expected to draw upon the various concepts from throughout the semester. This will be an open book, open note final exam essay. You should spend no more or less than 2 hours writing it. There is no page limit or word count, but you will be expected to explore your ideas in full and take advantage of the full amount of time, so when in doubt, keep writing until you have nothing left to say. The key is depth and reflection.
This is not a list or a summary of the things you’ve learned, but it should instead be treated as a final reflection of how you will bring the things you’ve learned further into your life and studies. The role that rhetoric plays in the 21st century is something you must define and explore in this final essay.