What role (if any) can eating insects play in ensuring future global food security? Main stakeholder/scholarly discipline: from the perspective of a place that already consumes bugs Second scholarly discipline perspective: policymakers perspective Summarize the key concerns and evidence used by your assigned stakeholder or disciplinary perspective and contrast it with at least one other perspective researched by your group. You will synthesize the different sides of the debate in a well-researched paper in which you: -Integrate discussion of how 2 different scholarly disciplines or stakeholder groups view the issue; -Consider the implications of different solutions for society and/or the environment; and – Conclude with your own informed perspective and policy recommendations of how the issue should be addressed in the future based on what you learned in your research. In 1300-1600 words, the paper should be structured to include the following: Introduction – Start with a hook to grab the readers’ attention. In 1-2 paragraphs, introduce the debate topic, and provide an overview of what you will accomplish in the paper. Clearly state which two stakeholder or disciplinary perspectives you will discuss. Background of the debate topic – In 2-3 paragraphs, provide the reader with any relevant background information about your topic. You might discuss historical, political, social, or geographical factors or define key concepts. 2 stakeholder or disciplinary perspectives – The main body of your paper should be dedicated to describing and contrasting at least two stakeholder or disciplinary perspectives of your topic (your assigned perspective as well as at least one other from your peers in your group). Clearly describe which two perspectives you are addressing. Content will vary, but you should attempt to address the following: -How is the topic understood by a particular scholarly discipline or stakeholder group? -What evidence exists to support (or reject) each position? -How does the topic affect different people or places? Can you provide concrete examples from a particular place or people? -What are the considerations, impacts, or benefits of different approaches to addressing the topic based on each stakeholder perspective? Discussion – In 2-3 paragraphs, discuss your findings. What are the implications of different solutions or future pathways for particular people or places impacted by the issue? Conclusion – Summarize your key findings and conclude with your own informed perspective and policy recommendations of how the issue should be addressed in the future. Citations – You must cite at least 6 sources (more is fine) in your paper. At least 3 sources must be from peer-reviewed, scholarly sources. Sources cited must be valid and relevant to the debate topic and stakeholder perspectives. Bibliography – Bibliography must be alphabetized by author last name and use consistent formatting (APA style recommended) The perspective we are meant to be looking at this issue from is the perspective of a place that already eats bugs.