Imagine you are working for a campaign firm and analyzing how your candidate ran his campaign this term. Did he win/lose? You may write this paper from a first or third-person point of view. It is important to be detailed and specific throughout this report.

This PostMortem Report is to analyze how my Client, Candidate Max Rose, lost his campaign.

The report needs to be 9-10 pages, double spaced, Size 12pt font, times new roman. Please follow instructions carefully, the professor is a difficult grader.

Make sure you hit all the points; be very detailed and specific on how my client could improve on their performance (running for congress) in the future.

Please include in-text citations (required) and include references from Ballotpedia(Max Rose). Include other references from other reliable sources. No information from Wikipedia!!!

Things to consider:
What went right during Max Roses Campaign that should be repeated next time? What went wrong that he should avoid next time? What didn’t Max Rose do this time during his campaign that we should add to our agenda? What are the next action steps? What are we gonna do differently the next time? WHAT ARE THE RESULTS OF THE CAMPAIGN?