The creative brief steers creative ideas down specific media considerations. Some agency cultures do not permit media being mentioned however, for fear of media bias compromising creative flexibility and maximization. But we need to present media channels for this assessment.

Topic: IKEA: expansion plan for IKEA into Chile.

1. What will be the role of the marketing communications? (Clearly state objectives AND strategies per objective). What’s our overall campaign aim (related to our requirements above, i.e. what are we trying to achieve with this MARCOMs campaign in terms of, e.g. acquisition and/or retention? State your objectives, e.g. “To attain…” and your strategies per objective, e.g. “By…”.

2. What is our current ‘brand idea’ AND ‘tone of voice’ (TOV)? And what’s the brand’s vision? (This is the core brand idea to guide the tone and messaging of any piece of communication we do for the brand. )

3. What do they think now? (What kind of problems/frustrations/challenges does your audience have currently? What is their perception of the brand, product/service. Be particularly honest and critical. Apply consumer insight, buyer-behavior and consumer journey thinking.)

4. What do you want them to think? (After they see/read/hear/engage with your campaign, what do you want them to think about for your B, P/S as a result?)

The Creative Brief, a real, industry TEMPLATE from the global marketing communications agency sector
Assessment Context with the MARCOMS agency industry real world:
In the real world, Creative Briefs are worked on amongst a plethora of other creative and client duties, proposals, report writing, communications and management of various projects, teams, partners and suppliers, new business pitches, finance and budgeting, as well as client billings, a deadline of no longer than 5 days to come back with ‘concepts’ is often enforced within an agency protocol. These documents are usually put together by account team ‘suits’ in 3-5 days (with other duties and deadlines, across different client brands) before this 5 day creative ticking clock ends, leading to a creative concepts development for a further week to then present to clients.

This is NOT about writing reels and reels of words. Keep to the point! Unlike this brief!

In the mind of the client-brand manager, the creative team is the whole agency team in many ways, including the suits, you in the context of this assessment. Brand managers can find it challenging to select one focused overall benefit in the offering.

There’s often little in the way of a genuine USP. Brand managers and clients’ businesses invest a huge amount of time, energy and money into creating as many benefits and features as possible in portfolios.

The Creative Brief is an agency document, which then develops between the marketing communications agency and its internal, relevant departments, client and media department/agency and must be prepared to develop, negotiate, disagree and agree along the journey of its development, to the final signed-off creative brief. In effect, a ‘creative contract’ between all stakeholders.

In the agency account manager’s mind, the creative team, in the creative department, requires this creative brief to be presented to an allocated creative team for approval and is made up of the concept team, classically consisting of an art director and copywriter, who report into a creative director. They are supported by designers, offline production teams and online digital producers, as well as art buyers for e.g. photography, locations, props, actors, models, etc.

on the file Wk9, creative brief sample and sample 2 there are samples of what you have to do, you will see different questions but mine are related to question 3,4,6 and 7.