Question 1 (3-4 typed, double-spaced pages). We have seen that for many designers and builders, architecture meant something more conceptual or emotional than simply putting up a useful building within a certain budget. Write an essay that explains how TWO of the images on the back (which you should fully identify) illustrate this. Your essay should address ONE of the issues below. The essay MUST, before you start discussing the buildings, begin with one or two paragraphs explaining why the issue you chose was important in architecture, and narrating some general facts, dates, writers and arguments that were important to it. You must also refer to architects and buildings not illustrated in the exam. (The assigned chapters on myWPI from Kenneth Frampton’s Modern Architecture do this well. Wikipedia essays not so much—andIn addition to correct identifications and solid descriptions and explanations, your essay should demonstrate a range of understanding of the topic—that is, coverage of more than one architect, style, period, building type.