The project is to write three separate papers where we are integrating reading, writing and mathematics.
General Instructions:
A. This assignment is mandatory. It is 5% of your grade.
B. Due Thursday, Dec. 10th. This assignment will not be accepted after the due date.
C. This project is to write three separate papers. These papers are academic papers.
Do one exercise from the HOMEWORK 12.5 section in chapter 12: Exercise 67, or 68 or 69.
Do one assignment from the Inquiry – Problem Solving list.
Write your own statistical analysis paper on a topic of your choice following the outline below.
D. Presentation of the papers: The project is to write three separate academic papers.
You need to do the following:

Do all the calculations, tables and graphs. If you are doing the graph by hand, you need to use graph paper, a ruler, labeling all parts of the graph explicitly.

Answer/respond all questions in essay form. at least one paragraph, in complete sentences. The more details you give, the more complete your answer/response.

Explain in detail all your findings.

Type the paper double space. Handwritten papers will not be accepted.

Apply APA or MLA standards for writing and citation of sources.

Apply all the English composition rules you learned in ENG 101 and ENG 102! Make your English professor proud. As with anything you write in life, spelling, grammar and sentence construction counts.

Contact the Writing Center for help if needed.

Become very familiar with the grading rubric before you start writing your papers. The grading rubric is attached. It shows you how the project will be evaluated. The rubric for this project is on pages 3 and 4 of the attachment: Inquiry and Problem Solving.
For your topic paper, you need to:

Find a statistical analysis article dealing with your chosen topic. Ideally, you should select a statistical analysis article of a topic you are really interested in.

Read and statistically analyze the article. This assignment demands and requires a lot of reading and analysis, so you have to enjoy the topic to be willing to do all that work. Otherwise, the assignment will be very difficult for you.

Respond to the article. The bottom line is that you need to critically analyze and respond to the study’s reported content and results.

Become very familiar with the grading rubric before you start writing your topic paper. The rubric is attached. It shows you how the paper will be evaluated. The rubric for your topic paper in on pages 3 and 4 of the attachment: Inquiry and Problem Solving.
GRADING_RUBRIC_pgs.3and4.pdfOpens externally

Consider the following items and respond in essay form, in paragraph form , in complete sentences:

Why did you select this topic?

Identify the goal of the study.

Identify the population.

Identify the type of study.

Explain who conducted the study.

Explain who funded the study.

Explain what is a biased sample.

Discuss the sample in the study.

Explain whether or not there is bias in the sample created for the study.

Create a sample for the study if a sample was not used.

Define the variable(s) in the study.

Explain how the variable(s) are measured.

Explain the graphs in the article.

If the article does not have graphs, create at least one for it.

What are the confounding variables present in the study.

Explain why the results are presented fairly/unfairly.

Explain the study’s conclusion.

Explain why the conclusion make sense/does not make sense to you.

Explain why the results have practical significance.

What did you know about the variable(s) investigated in the study before you read the article?

What surprised you the most?

What surprised you the least?