You will compile a 5,000-word portfolio assignment (=/- 10% – excluding appendices, if used) and arrive at appropriate conclusions through comparing academic theory and known practice in the business world.

Throughout the portfolio you should be applying your ideas to your proposed business idea/structure. Failure to do this could significantly impact on your grade.

The portfolio encourages you to develop greater awareness of five key themes that are considered pillars of organisational success. This assessment builds systematically, section by section from initial design of organisations through to what the ultimate aim of any organisation operating in a modern world should strive to achieve.

The five key pillars are:

  1. Organisational Design/Strategy
  2. Stakeholders
  3. Organisational change and development
  4. Organisational Culture
  5. The Learning Organisation

The portfolio has 7 parts (Introduction, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and final Conclusion) these will be submitted as one document (5000 words)

Introduction:   (Approx. 750 words)

Within this section, identify the business you have chosen. You should provide an outline of the structure that you consider to be the most appropriate for that business, with justification of your ideas.  You should also briefly discuss how you see the business developing into the future in terms of growth.

Portfolio Section 1:   (Approx. 750 words)

Organisational design can have an impact on its ability to operate in a changing world.

Your task is to;

Examine the subject of Organisational Design from an academic and practitioner perspective, paying particular attention to key theories and current practical thinking

Portfolio section 2  (Approx. 750 words)

Stakeholders are seen as key players in an organisations ability to remain competitive.

Your task is to;

Analyse the importance of Stakeholders with regards to designing sustainable organisations for the future.

Portfolio section 3  (Approx. 750 words)

Organisational change can be initiated deliberately by managers, it can evolve slowly within a department, it can be imposed by specific changes in policy or procedures, or it can arise through external pressures.

Mullins LJ; Christy G. P 552 Management and Organisaitonal Behaviour. 2016

Your task is to;

Critically review two academic models of planned change and transition in support of organisational success and sustainability.

Portfolio section 4  (Approx. 750 words)

It is often argued that organisational culture can ‘make or break’ an organisation, especially during times of change and transition.

Your task is to;

Examine the subject of organisational culture and its potential impact on planned change and transition.

Portfolio section 5  (Approx. 750 words)

“Whilst we are living in times of unprecedented change, we are also presented with unparalleled opportunities. The evidence is clear; the conditions are now conducive for the emergence of the genuine learning organisation.”

Peter Cheese -CEO CIPD

Your task is to;

Critically evaluate the concept of The Learning Organisation, with regards to designing organisations for the future.

Conclusions and recommendations, as appropriate  (Approx. 500 words)

Within this section you should aim to provide overall conclusions and recommendations to your Portfolio that link to the importance of the 5 Key Pillars in developing a sustainable business for the future.

This section provides some guidance on how to structure your Portfolio:

Your portfolio should be well written from an academic perspective and well presented, take note of your use of grammar, punctuation and spelling.

You must engage with relevant theories and perspectives explored within formal lectures and guided reading from the recommended literature, fully supporting your portfolio with accurately cited academic references throughout.

A number of key sections need to be considered to develop your Business Writing Skills. The below list is an example of things to consider;

Within word count

  • Introduction to the task and the business you have chosen with an outline of what you consider to be an appropriate structure
  • The portfolio should include 5 sections in which each one includes a literature review of relevant concepts, theories, models and academic underpinning that has informed your response
  • Conclusions and recommendations, as appropriate

Additional to word count

  • Reference list
  • Bibliography
  • If appropriate – A set of appendices

Please note:  It is suggested that you build the portfolio during the module rather than leaving the task until the end of the semester. The taught inputs and tutorial sessions are designed to allow you to chronologically achieve this outcome.