Informative process analysis essay on how the process of advertising works:

– Use your own words in explaining your analysis

– Find an advertisement ( the image of the ad must be sent with the essay, must be the first page)

– Typed outline for the essay

– 3 to 4 pages essay ( no less than 3 pages and no more than four)

– Use the third person point of view ( do not use the first person)

– Explain 2 propaganda techniques that are used ( refer to Ann McClintock’s article, “Propaganda Techniques in Today’s Advertising”)

– Explain 2 emotional appeals that the ad is using ( refer to Job Fowles’ article, ” Fifteen Emotional Appeals”)

How to write the essay:

– In the thesis you must identify the product, identify the target audience and include a statement about the ad

– In the body you have to describe the ad (visual description, use the senses to convey the image, mention the text in the ad)

– Analyze the target audience ( consider the sex, age, education and marital status, consider where the ad was published and what type of work these people do and what they do in their leisure time.

– What propaganda techniques that are evident in advertisement ( find only 2)

– What emotional appeals that are present in the advertisement ( find only 2)