Most community action plans can benefit from recruiting partners—individuals or organizations that might help with the solution to the public health issue. These partners may have money, special tools or skills, and other resources.Create a list of at least ten local partners/stakeholders who might be willing to help you implementor develop your own community action plan. Remember, a stakeholder is a person with an interestor concern in something. For each potential partner, include:

1. the potential partner’s name,2

. comprehensive contact information (job title, address, phone, website, and any assistants’names),

3. a short explanation of why you think the partner or stakeholder would be useful to your project,and

4. why you think that particular partner might be interested in joining your effort—that is, what is thebenefit to the partner in doing so?Your partners could come from the following (don’t be limited by this list):Government officials (state, regional, local, or federal)Local health/public health department agent(s)

1/12/2021Module 4: Critical Thinking2/6Non-profits or non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Think broadly. For example, considernational and local organizations (e.g., men and women’s organizations, schools, government-funded services, and volunteer organizations).Businesses often help fund or implement community projects.Colleges or universities may have grants, special departments, or clubs/organizations.Churches or faith-based organizationsInstructions:

Write a well-organized list that is a 2-3-page paper, not including the title and reference pages,which are required.The paper must be formatted correctly using APA style. Remember, all research material used inyour paper must be paraphrased and include an in-text citation.Your paper must be properly cited and formatted according to the CSU Global Writing Center( is an individual paper; however, you should reflect on our Discussion Forums andincorporate ideas from there, as appropriate.Be sure you utilize your text appropriately as a reference and cite at least one other credibleexternal reference such as a website or journal article to support your proposed resolution of thecase.Your external sources can be trade publications(, government information, newspaperarticles, or scholarly or peer-reviewed( articles. The CSU Global Library is a good place to find thesesources.Submit your paper.Option #2: Interview a Potential PartnerMost community action plans can benefit from recruiting partners—individuals or organizations thatmight help with the solution to the public health issue. These partners may have money, specialtools or skills, and other resources.For this option, select one person/stakeholder in your community who might have interest orexpertise in your community action plan. Remember, a stakeholder is a person with an interest orconcern in something. This stakeholder should have a connection to your portfolio topic in yourchosen community as this may help you determine who you can interview. Plan a brief interviewwith this person to run your ideas for an action plan to implement in your community by him or her

1/12/2021Module 4: Critical Thinking3/6as you continue drafting your plan. Do not use this interview to verify that this person thinks theissue exists in your community. The existence of the issue should already be evident from yourprevious research.Your interviewee could come from the following (don’t be limited by this list):Government officials (state, regional, local, or federal)Local health/public health department agent(s)Non-profits or non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Think broadly. For example, considernational and local organizations (e.g., men and women’s organizations, schools, government-funded services, and volunteer organizations). Businesses often help fund or implement community projects.Colleges or universities may have grants, special departments, or clubs/organizations.Churches or faith-based organizationsInstructionsBefore your interview, list 10 questions about the plan you are developing to tackle an issue inyour community. These should be questions that you want to ask the person you have selectedto interview.Take notes during the interview, in preparation for writing a summary of your conversation.After the interview, write a 2- to 3-page summary of the interview, not including the title andreference pages, which are required.List each question you asked, as well as a short, one-paragraph summary of the response yougot to each question.The paper must be formatted correctly using APA style. Remember, all research material used inyour paper must be paraphrased and include an in-text citation.Your paper must be properly cited and formatted according to the CSU Global Writing Center( is an individual paper; however, you should reflect on our Discussion Forums andincorporate ideas from there, as appropriate.Be sure you utilize your text appropriately as a reference and cite at least one other credibleexternal reference such as a website or journal article to support your proposed resolution of thecase.Your external sources can be trade publications(, government information, newspaperarticles, or scholarly or peer-reviewed( articles. The CSU Global Library is a good place to find thesesources