Choice 2: Create your own Organizational Setting Utopia through the art of Dialogue. Have a strong thesis that supports original ideas and integrates the course with outside research. Use the required readings, videos used during the course, *at least three outside resources (see list above), and class dialogues to define how to create your utopian community. Spend minimal time discussing what it looks like (location, setting, office setup, people, etc.)–this is a discussion about the style of Dialogue within your Utopia; the research that supports your selected style of Dialogue; and why that research is valid for the development of your Utopia. Include a strong analysis of outside sources so that the purpose is clear and evident in your understanding of Dialogic Theory.

Write a 5-6 page/1,250-1,500 word, double spaced Research paper (very minimal reflection) on one choice below.

Use Turabian author-date style formatting: Title Page, citations, and References page. Create a header that includes page numbers only. Do not use footnotes or endnotes.

*For outside resources, use academically respected sources not previously used in the course. Peer reviewed journal articles, industry publications, and books are appropriate sources.

For all papers include a strong analysis of Bohm, Isaacs, and outside resources. Follow the rubric for the grade you wish to earn. Make sure your thesis is clear and evident in your introduction and followed thoroughly in the body of your paper. Present mastery of understanding of Dialogic Theory and how outside research relates to this course, Bohm, and Isaacs.