Coursework Assignment DetailsAnalyse and critique Deliveroo’sapproach to HR using 2of the following HR topics/models/debates;-Universalist versusContingency (p.50-54*)-Business Strategy fit with HR (p.46-49*)-Atkinson’s flexible firm model (p.98-100*)-The psychological contract (p.164-166*)-Reward strategies (p.416-421*)*Page numbers refer to the online version of Torrington, Hall, Taylor and Atkinson’s (2014) textbook (9thed.), which can be accessed through the libraryIn your report, you should refer to Deliveroo’sHR practices and additional contextual factors such as the labour market characteristics facing Deliveroo in Singapore, the regulatory environment, the business strategy and growth profile of Delieroo Singapore, and the HR practices of competitors. We expect you to evidence the following skills in your report:•Application oftheoreticalmodels to understand the reasons behind and potential consequences of HR practices at Deliveroo•Critical analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of Deliveroo’sapproach to HR, based on application of models/topics•Understanding of the inherent tensions in HR (e.g. synchronising with business strategy and promoting good employee relations)Specific Assessment DetailsIn writing your report, you must demonstrate that you haveunderstood the topics you have selected;referred to relevant academic sources and that you are able to apply the theory to the case study.You should use a good level of academic rigour and literature to analyse the different components of Deliveroo Singapore’sHR strategy.Your report should be written from the third person perspective,as this is the correct style for an academic report submission at Edinburgh Napier University. Your opinions should notbe included in the report but rather you should analyse the academic theories and debates in order to provide a critical examination of the theory in relation to practice.Your report word limit is 2000 words(10% below or above the limit is acceptable) and approximate word guides for each section are provided for guidance. When presenting your report please use 1.5 or double line spacing with a size 12 font. You should adhere to the Edinburgh Napier University APA Referencing style throughout your report.You should use

HRM08701 Assessment Case StudyPage | 7the marking criteria to ensure you meet the requirements of this level of study. You should submit the entire assessment to Turnitinas this will be utilised to provide you with feedback. Assessment Writing Guide: The following structure should be applied to your report with the following indicative word limits applied to each section:Table of ContentsYou should include a table of contents that details the contents of your report.1.Introduction (100 words)Clear statement of the purpose of your reportTheoretical context of your report which outlines the topicsyou have chosen to focus uponOrganisational context of your report (Deliveroo Singapore) Clear statement of proceedings (to provide a brief overview of the following sections)2.Topicsto Consider(1800 words)2.1 Topic 1(900 words)Theoreticalanalysisof the topic(drawing on academic references)How it relates to Deliveroo’sHR practices(drawing on academic references and references to case information about Deliveroo)2.2 Topic 2(900 words)Theoretical analysisof the topic (drawing on academic references)How it relates to Deliveroo’sHR practices(drawing on academic references and references to case information about Deliveroo)3.Conclusion (100 words)Summary of key issues raised throughout reportDiscussion of the key strengths and weaknesses of Deliveroo’sHR practices based on your analysisFinal comments reinforcing importance of report and highlighting any recommendations for DeliverooList of References(adhering to the APA Referencing Style)