Use a range of appropriate definitions and academic sources discuss meaning and importance of strategy for organisations in the public and private sector and the increasingly important role of strategic project management in achieving strategic success

Critically review the traditional and emergent approaches to developing strategy. In doing so you should discuss the traditional and emergent strategic process, discussing the key stages and tools which can be used to achieve strategic formulation and implementation using these approaches. Do not describe the available strategic tools but instead explain how these tools can aid strategic formulation implementation, drawing on what academic writers have noted their benefits and limitations are ….2000 words

Part B
Identify 2 cases whereby strategy has been formulated and implemented. Briefly outline the context of each. E.g what was the strategy, what was the outcome. One case from the private sector and one from the public sector

Drawing on what you discussed in part A. Review and discuss the extent to which these strategies have been successful and specifically discuss the extent to which strategic tools and approaches have been used effectively or how they could have been better adopted. Discuss all the enablers or barriers to strategic success in each of your case studies, eg leadership, project leadership, adoption of project management or PMO techniques, organisational culture, stakeholder engagement, change leadership etc
1200 words

Reflecting on your research and drawing on appropriate academic sources and examples, discuss the extent you consider traditional, emergent or hybrid strategy development to be most appropriate for business success. Summarise the enablers and blockers to such an approach. You may also include your own views as long as these are backed up by evidence such as your own workplace experience. You may also want to comment on particular models or approaches which are more effective
800 words
Reference list
Tables and fugures to be included as needed (not included in word count)