MODULE: Global Comparative Education

Assignment: 2500 word Essay

Topic: Explain gender inequalities/disparities of education in the UK and analytically compare this aspect with India.

Learning Aims and Outcomes

By the end of this module, and on completion of all readings, tasks and assessments, you should be able to:

Demonstrate a critical understanding of the nature and purpose of comparative education.

Make comparisons and conceptualise education from a global perspective.

Describe and analyse critically a range of education systems and issues in different countries, regions with reference to practice.

Analyse the impact of cultural, humanitarian, political, economic, and environmental change on the nature and practices of education.

Key Points:
Ensure your essay has a good structure (Introduction, Body of Essay, Conclusion, References);

Use titles and sub-titles to provide structure to the essay;

Ensure you are comparing between 2 countries and provide enough information about each of them to support comparisons;

IF you are writing about any level of the Education System, refer to ISCED classification; refer to:

Ensure you define all key concepts; e.g. gender, gender inequality etc.

Ensure you provide a good balance between description and analysis;

Remember not to say that one country is better than the other;

Ensure you only use good academic sources; (Use academic journal articles, books, policy documents, reports from relevant organisations)

Ensure you use reports from relevant International Organisations (OECD, UNESCO, UNICEF, World Bank, Department of Education etc.)

Ensure your references are well done.