Describe challenges facing businesses in international environments.
Explain risks inherent in global business and how those influence global business operations.
Recognize the legal and ethical issues in global sourcing and procurement.
Explain the sustainability-related benefits and risks in global business operations.

The objective of Project Part II is to analyze the benefits and challenges in global business using the selected product in Project Part I. This part will extend the findings, which determined whether or not manufacturing of this product should be brought back to the United States. In this project you will compare two countries, the United States and the current country of manufacture, as you describe the benefits and challenges of outsourcing and re-shoring. You will also discuss the risks in global business and analyze the legal, ethical, and sustainability issues in global sourcing and procurement.


The project consists of a written analysis of at least 10 pages prepared for an executive. The report will include a comprehensive analysis of the domestic and foreign manufacturing options for the product. The analysis will be supported by tables, charts, or graphs generated based on the appropriate data sources.
Steps to Complete Project Part II

Students continue analyzing the case of a product introduced in Project Part I. Please follow the following steps in completing this assignment:

Using the selected product, describe challenges and risks facing business in a foreign environment and explain how they influence global operations. Include the following factors:
Political stability
Economic stability
Cultural differences
Attitude toward international business
Discuss legal and ethical issues in sourcing and procurement in the country where the product is currently manufactured. Include the following factors:
Overall business climate
Transparency ( (Links to an external site.)
Intellectual property protection
Labor and environmental standards
Local government role
Discuss the benefits and risks related to sustainability using the product selected for this project.
Conclude the analysis with a section providing the executive with a succinct summary of key benefits and challenges in global business using the re-shoring framework. This analysis will provide support for the recommendation of whether the product is a good candidate for re-shoring.

10-page, double-spaced
12-point, Times New Roman font
1” margins