READ: Hughes et al. (2011). Posttraumatic Stress among Students after the Shootings at Virginia Tech Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. Vol. 3, No. 4, 403–411
- What is the Problem that is being identified by this study?
- What are the Research Questions AND Hypotheses in this study?
- Is this a Quantitative or Qualitative Study? Why do you think this design was selected. Provide what the rationale would be if you were the researcher.
- Is this Design cross sectional (one shot deal) or over time (longitudinal)? Why do you think this design was selected. Provide what the rationale would be if you were the researcher.
- Identify each of the variables?
- Identify the independent variable (explanatory)?
- Identify the dependent variable (outcome)?
- Identify what would be considered a “modifying” variable (that which might serve to change the relationship between the independent and the dependent variables? – IF APPLICABLE)
- Identify the measurement instruments that are being used to measure each of the main variables?
- Identify the levels of measurement for each variable?
- Identify the reliability score for each measurement that is a multi-item measure.
- Identify the appropriate tests that are being used to test each hypothesis and describe why they were selected by the researcher to use.
- What level of significance is being used for each? (Be sure to identify each test and each level of significance).
- Describe in detail the descriptive and inferential statistics in this study.
- What are the basic findings of this research study and what is the researcher’s interpretation of the findings?