The international business environment has changed dramatically over the last 50 years. Multinational corporations continue to redefine the world’s economic landscape as they develop and implement new global growth strategies. Just as the labor and product markets have become more integrated, so too have the world’s financial markets. Governments and financial institutions have stopped thinking in terms of individual segregated financial markets, instead recognizing a monolithic international financial market.

Consider how multinational corporations’ continuing pursuit of global growth strategies has impacted the world’s financial markets and international financial theory and practice. Research the major changes in international finance over the last 50 years, focusing specifically on the impact of these changes and trends in each of the following timeframes: (1) pre-1990, (2) the years immediately following 1990, and (3) today. For your Discussion post this week, you will be asked to identify key research that helps explain the changes and the impact on the lives of individuals in emerging markets.
Then imagine that you have to present ideas relating to these trends in international finance and associated financial data to a group of key stakeholders. Consider how you would organize your presentation and what techniques you would employ, as well as what strategies you would implement to receive and address critical feedback. Share any lessons learned from prior research, life experience, or seminar presentations that would help you effectively present your ideas.

Post an analysis of changes in international finance over the past 50 years to identify future global trends. In your analysis, focus on the three timeframes described as pre-1990, the years immediately following 1990, and today, and be sure to address the following:
• Identify at least three theories and theorists used by scholars as they developed their research.
• Briefly explain the impact of technology on globalization.
• Describe one or two future trends in international finance and analyze the impact of these trends on globalization.
• If you had to present your findings to a group of key stakeholders, how would you organize this presentation, and what presentation techniques would you employ? Think about a professional presentation that was particularly effective or that spurred several questions. What strategies would you implement to receive and address critical feedback? Share any lessons learned from prior work, life, or seminar presentations that would help you effectively present your analysis and gain buy-in.