For this milestone, you are required to submit a system diagram of the Business Intelligence/Business Analytics system. The design should contain the databases, software application areas, and the business user groups which will use their respective software applications. Your deliverable should also contain a discussion of the rationale behind inclusion of each of the components in your system diagram.

A system diagram for a Business Intelligence/Business Analytics environment should describe the data sources both internal and external, the data warehouse components including data marts, and the business analytics section to include its internal and external data sources, and the user communities for both BI and BA.

The second part of this assignment is an analysis of considerations for information systems personnel regarding the implementation of this new system. Examples of considerations are staffing levels and training. Ensure you provide justifications for why these considerations are important.

Your Milestone 2 deliverable should be at least 4-5 pages (excluding the title and reference pages) and written according to the CSU Global Writing Center (Links to an external site.). The paper should be supported by at least one credible reference not including the textbook. Review the Milestone Rubric below for specific grading criteria.