For this assignment, you will review the media Jason’s Case Study as a focus, as you start to develop you own premises of how you would explain criminal behavior. There is no wrong or right answer in terms of which of the disorders you choose. Your success will be determined by how well you are applying the basic components of the disorder you choose.


After reviewing the media Jason’s Case Study, access the DSM-5 and read about the following:

  • Affective disorder. For example, depressive and bipolar disorders. Is Jason’s difficulty self-regulating, a biological condition, or a learned behavior?
  • Substance abuse. For example, is Jason’s drug use indicative of a disease model or is it socially influenced?
  • Anxiety. For example, is Jason dealing with a neurochemical or hormonal imbalance, or is it a learned behavior or a behavior modification, or is there some secondary gain for Jason?
  • Psychotic disorders. For example, does Jason experience thought distortion or difficulty with reality testing?

In your paper:

  • Analyze the case study in terms of the psychology described in the DSM-5. Note: Choose only one of the disorderslisted that you think is most closely related to Jason’s case. Through your analysis of Jason’s case study and your reading in the DSM-5, describe how he meets the criteria of the disorder you have chosen. Remember, a disorder is based on time, duration, intensity, and the degree to which it interferes with everyday functioning (social, interpersonal, work, and patterns in relationships) and not just the observable behavior.
  • Determine social factors (for example, parenting styles, rejection by loved ones, lack of limits, et cetera) that impact Jason’s behavior (for example, his bullying, lying, and drug use).
  • Describe what you have found in the case that is relevant for a court case for either the defense or the prosecution. Without considering establishing competency or sanity, reflect on the implications of what you have seen in the DSM-5and the case study in terms of criminal justice for Jason.

Be sure you review the Born or Made That Way? Jason Case Study Scoring Guide to ensure that you have met all the criteria for this assignment.

Other Requirements

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting guidelines.
  • Length of paper: 3–4 typed, double-spaced pages, not including the title page or the references page.
  • References: A minimum of three references.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.


In the case of a person who has a permanent neurological disorder, how do we keep the public safe without discriminating against the damage implications such as impaired executive functioning, poor linear reasoning, or even inconsistent emotional regulation? Do we hold people accountable for their behavior when they have a physical condition? If they have a disorder that impinges on other people’s rights, do we see them as accountable or in need of treatment or some combination of both? These questions are posed every day in real-world legal cases and answered by psychologists and neuropsychologists trained in forensic evaluation. It is a dynamic that criminal justice professionals have to account for as they develop their strategy for trial or disposition planning.


In your main post:

  • Determine if medical or neuro-psychological testimony should be allowed in court, keeping in mind that there is no clear correlation between a type of brain damage and the type or level of criminal behavior.
  • Describe your position on how to accommodate for psychologically or biologically determined aggressive tendenciesin the criminal justice domains, including trials.

Support your opinions with professional and scholarly resources.

Discussion Objectives

The competencies addressed in this discussion are supported by discussion objectives, as follows:

  • Competency 2: Analyze the relationship between criminal psychology and criminal law.
    • Determine if medical or neuro-psychological testimony should be allowed in court.
    • Describe your position on how to accommodate for psychologically or biologically determined aggressive tendenciesin the criminal justice domains including trials.
  • Competency 4: Apply scholarly research findings to topics in criminal psychology.
    • Support your opinions with scholarly resources.