1 ProgrammePearson BTEC Level 4Diploma in Business Administration (BTEC) Unit 3: Communicating in a BusinessUnit Name:Communicatingin a BusinessUnit Number:02Credit:05Assignment Submission Date:Assessor:Mode of submission:AimThis unit aims to give learners an understanding of the role of communication in an organisation. It also helps learners to understand the importance of being able to communicate information effectively so that all decision making contributes to the achievement of an organisations goals.General GuidelinesThe work you submit must be in your own words. If you use a quote or an illustrationfrom somewhere you must give the source. Include a list of references at the end of your document. You must give all your sources of information. Make sure your work is clearly presented and that you use correct grammar. Wherever possible use a wordprocessor and its “spell-checker”.Format: Written ReportNotes: To be presented and referenced in a written report of 2,000 words in length(excluding appendices).

2ScenarioTo be able to write this assignment and meet all the assessment criteria, you will be required to select Microsoft Incorporation. It is important that you should have a detailed knowledge of this organisation because you will be required to answer a number of questions on the basis of your knowledge of this organisation. Understand the principles of effective communication in organisations.In order to pass this unit, the evidence that the learner presents for assessment needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria determine the standard required to achieve the unit.Your submission should be in a report format. 2,000 (+/-) 10%words.I.Understand the principles of effective communication in organisations1.1 Evaluate the appropriateness and efficiency of different communication channels and tools. 1.2 Explain the use of vertical, lateral or networked communication channels and tools. 1.3Explain how the use of clear and correct language supports effective communication.II.Understand the role of communication in organisations2.1 Analyse the features of different models of business communication that support administrative services.2.2 Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of an organisation’s communications system. 2.3 Justify improvements to an organisation’s communications systemLearning Outcomes1.Understand the principles of effective communication in organisations.2.Understand the role of communication in organisations.


44.Goodpracticea.Makebackupofyourworkindifferentmedia(harddisk,memorystick,etc.)toavoiddistressduetolossordamageofyouroriginalcopy.5.ExtensionandLateSubmission*andResubmissiona.Ifyouneedanextensionforavalidreason,youmustrequestoneusinganExceptionalExtenuatingCircumstances(EEC)formavailablefromtheExaminationOfficeandVLE.Pleasenotethatthetutorsdonothavetheauthoritytoextendthecourseworkdeadlinesandthereforedonotaskthemtoawardacourseworkextension.Thecompletedformmustbeaccompaniedbyevidencesuchasamedicalcertificateintheeventofyoubeingsick.b.Latesubmissionwillbeacceptedandmarkedaccordingtotheinstitutionsprocedure.c.AllLatecourseworkmustbesubmittedtothelatesubmissionpointintotheunit(nottotheTutor).Astudentwillbeallowedtosubmitonlyonceandthatisthefinalsubmission.d.Onlyoneopportunitywillbegivenforreassessment(resubmission)willbepermittedandtheassessmentwillbecappedatPassfortheunit.Inaddition,noresubmissionwillbeallowedinanycomponentoftheassessmentforwhichaPassgradeorhigherhasbeenachieved.e.RepeatUnits–AstudentwhohasfailedtoachieveaPassinbothFinal/LatesubmissionandintheResubmission,mustretaketheunitthefullattendanceandpaymentoftheunitfee.6. Report StructureCoverTitle PageContents page.Acknowledgement (optional)Abstract/Executive SummaryMain Body (Tasks)Conclusion.References (including weblioreferencing)Bibliography (including webliography)Appendices

5BooksBovee C and Thill J –Business Communication Today(Pearson Education, 2011) ISBN: 9780273761464Field M –Improve Your Punctuation and Grammar(How to Books, 2009) ISBN: 9781845283292McClave H J –Communication for Business(Gill & Macmillan, August 2008) ISBN: 9780717144556Seely J –Oxford Guide to Effective Writing and Speaking(OUP, 2005) ISBN: 9780192806130Websiteswww.bbc.co.uk –The BBC website: material on business communication www.bized.co.uk –Biz/ed: material on business communicationwww.managementhelp.org –Free management library: articles on business communication topicswww.teachitworld.com –Teachitworld: resources for English for specific purposes (ESP), including business purposes*For Late Submission policy, please refer to your student course handbook available onGlobal Edulink’s Online Portal.