Select a brand; and for that brand, conduct research and produce a report of no more than 2000 words that addresses each of the following tasks:
i) Research, outline and evaluate the brand’s current marketing communications strategy.
ii) Evaluate the brand’s current utilisation of social media as a communications tool.
iii) Suggest ways in which the brand’s utilisation of social media as a communications tool might improve or enhance the brand’s value/equity.
You may make any reasonable assumptions necessary. You may adopt any relevant concepts or frameworks to aid the structure of your argument or your interpretation. If it assists your argument, you may adopt a role (e.g. brand manager reporting to marketing manager; marketing manager to marketing director; etc.).
You may be as contentious as is desirable and legally allowable in your suggested use of social media, but the suggestion and intended execution must comply with ethical standards and guidelines, fit with the brand’s current positioning and identity, and must be justified with use of evidence and likely benefits. If you consider it necessary, you may also suggest modifications to the brand’s current positioning, but again this must be justified with substantive evidence of need, expected benefits, and how the use of social media might be used to aid achieving that objective.
* Use a business report format, but ensure that your argument is integrated and coherent
* All work must be original and individual
* The report should be typed, single sided, double spaced and with at least 1” margins.
* A word count must appear on the front cover of your assignment.
* Any assumptions made must be explicitly stated.