Service operations management
1. Title page
2. Executive Summary
3. Table of Contents page
4. Introduction
5. The main body of text (with sections/chapters to suit your material)
6. Conclusion & Recommendations
7. References & Bibliography
8. Appendix / Appendices (all must be referenced)
Apply this to concepts, theories and diagrams covered (Cause & Effect Diagram (FBC) – Pareto analysis – Tree diagram – FMEA, etc.)
For your chosen organisation produce a report, which should address the following tasks:
1. Describe the service concept of the organisation.
2. Explain how the operations of the organisation contribute to the functioning of the service concept (you can use process analysis tools such as FPC; VSM; etc.)
3. Assess how well the operations implement the service concept (a diagram may be needed).
4. Suggest how both the concept and the delivery system might be improved. If you do not see any areas for improvement in these areas, argue a convincing case from an operations management point of view for maintaining the status quo (a diagram may be needed).
5. Apply the concepts, theories and diagrams covered in the module, including FPC, VSM, FBC, FMEA, Decision Matrix; Tree Diagram; IOD; etc.. It means incorporating the topics in operations management that are relevant to the situation under discussion.
6. Demonstrate originality, novelty, critical thinking and the depth of analysis. It means providing thought-out analysis of the operations and showing evidence of personal features such as wider reading, research, original thinking and an organised approach.

Please no book references only online source