This assignment is an opportunity to interview a classmate on their understanding/beliefs specific to mental health. In turn, they will interview you. This is a chance to learn from each other and engage in a dialogue around what has been presented these first few weeks of class.
Any information you learn during this interview must be treated confidentially. Please establish this before you begin interviewing.
Requirements & Grading:
Meet or speak directly (Skype, FaceTime, telephone) with a classmate and interview them with the questions listed below. Email communication between you and the candidate with NOT be accepted – it is important to conduct the interview. You are being asked to conduct the interview and provide an analysis of your thoughts in relation to material we covered during the first few weeks of class.
This project has no minimum/maximum word/page length.
This assignment is worth 15% of your semester grade. Effort and planning will be important to your success and should be clearly demonstrated.
Interview Portion:
Take a few moments to introduce yourself and establish any boundaries that need to be set for the interview.
Interview Questions:
1: How familiar were you with the current trends we discussed in class? What surprised you, if anything?
2: Can you share with me any biases you may have surrounding mental health problems?
3: Can you share with me any attitudes you may have noticed you have around mental health problems?
4: Is there a particular mental health problem you are wanting to know more about? Why might that be?
5: Do you believe there is a stigma surrounding mental health problems?
6: What are your thoughts on positive mental health?
7: What risk factors do you believe factor into someone’s mental health?
8: Bonus question of your choice- please include your question, and its response, in your interview summary.
Interviewer Reflection Questions:
1: What did I learn throughout this interview?
2: Did any responses challenge my own beliefs/thoughts? Please elaborate.
3: Was I able to actively listen and create space for my interviewee to be thorough and thoughtful in their responses? How did I demonstrate this skill?
4: Any other insights you may have learned through this process and wish to share.
The experience you gain from this assignment will assist you with the second, which will be explained more in the upcoming weeks.