Individual Assignment: Business Intelligence Solution Development and Report

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Learning Outcome Details Unit Learning Outcome (ULO)

Graduate Learning Outcome (GLO)
ULO1: Explain and apply the business intelligence (BI) lifecycle concept, multidimensionality concept and database concept

ULO2: Appraise and apply data warehousing architecture, technologies and development methodologies and database for business intelligence.

GLO1: Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities – students are required to demonstrate an understanding of the business intelligence context and explain the BI and database technologies and associated implementation issues.

GLO3: Digital Literacy – students are required to apply BI and database technologies to find, use and disseminate actionable information.


Description / Requirement

In this practical assignment, students will apply their business intelligence knowledge and practical skills to development business intelligence solution.

This practical assignment setting will be on tourism. As an analyst, your main task is to apply MS Power BI tool and develop business intelligence solution (i.e., tourism dashboards). You may use either real-world or artificial dataset.

Some useful links:



  1. Develop the relevant BI dashboards using MS Power BI tool. Please present the BI dashboard first, then followed by the explanation of each individual chart of the dashboard. At least 3 different dashboards are expected.
  2. Justify why these BI solutions could provide insights and why those attributes are laid out in the fashion you proposed (feel free to include all other relevant justifications).

Note: To ensure that you discuss task (2) properly, you must include visual samples of the reports you produce (i.e. the screenshots of the BI charts/dashboards must be presented and explained in the written report; use ‘Snipping tool’), and also include any assumptions that you may have made.

  1. The BI report should include: 1) objectives and advantages of your BI solution, 2) BI dashboards screenshots and commentary, 3) overall findings and recommendations based on your analysis, etc. Feel free to make reasonable assumptions or refine the data as needed. You may create your own artificial datasets. Real-world dataset is not compulsory. Note: Do refer to assignment marking rubric & report outline example.


  • You MUST produce the actual visuals in MS Power BI tool.
  • If you think the best presentation above is to use, say, only a pie chart, then discuss using a pie chart and indicate what the pie chart would show, why you picked the pie chart, and so on.
  • At least 3 dashboards are expected, e.g., you may create one dashboard for tourists, one for government/tourism department, and one for tourism industries (eg. hotel, airline, airport, travel agency, tour operator, etc).

Report guidelines

  1. The body of the report should contain ‘Table of Content’, logically organised sections, and ‘List of references’.
  2. You may include figures, diagrams, tables and charts, etc.
  3. For this practical assignment, the length of the assignment excludes Table of content and reference list.
  4. Reports should be written in Microsoft Word and submitted as a Word file only (PDF file will not be marked).
  5. Format: Times New Roman, font size 12 & single line spacing.