Today countless innovative business models are emerging. Entirely new industries are forming as the old ones crumble. Upstarts are challenging the old guard, some of whom are struggling feverishly to reinvent themselves.”

-Alexander Osterwalder & Yves Pigneur

Business models help entrepreneurs generate value and scale. They do this in several ways: by fulfilling unmet needs in an existing market, by delivering existing products and services to existing customers with unique differentiation, and by serving customers in new markets.

For this week, please discuss the following:

What do you think are the ethical implications of copycat business models? What would or could you do if someone else cloned your product or service?

  1. Make sure to reference at least one source of your choosing, within your initial post to support your thoughts, by using proper in-text citation. You may use a minimum of one direct quote or a paraphrase. Include the source in the correct APA format, listed beneath a References header.

Reference #1
Neck, H. M., Neck, C. P., & Murray, E. L. (2020). Entrepreneurship: the practice and mindset. SAGE Publications, Incorporated.