Be prepared to critique this article. Specifically, respond to the following questions:
a. What is the phenomenon of interest in this article? Is it relevant to nursing and/or health?
b. What is the research question? Does it specify the context where the phenomenon is studied?
c. Does the choice of the specific qualitative research method fit with the research question? How? Briefly explain it.
d. Are the researchers’ biases reported? Do the researchers provide/reflect their beliefs?
e. Is the sample clearly described? Briefly discuss the process of recruitment and any ethical issues related to participants.
f. Are data sources and methods specified? What are they?
g. Is the data analysis logically followed? Is the researchers’ interpretation captured the participants’ meaning?
h. Are examples provided to guide the reader from the raw data to the researchers’ synthesis?
i. Do the researchers link the findings with existing theory or the literature? Or, is it a new theory generated?
j. What is the value of this article in EBP? Discuss how your inter-professional team could apply the findings in practice.