A Memory of Oppression–freewrite

Your assignment here is to free write about a personal experience of oppression.

First, take a look at the ADRRESSING Framework, and locate a rank in the framework where you personally are a target, or someone who you care about is a target. This could be in the rank of Age, Disability, Race, Religious Culture, Ethnicity, Sexual Orientation, Social Class Culture, Indigenous heritage, National Origin, or Gender. Tell us specifically which rank area you are focusing on.

Next, think of a specific time in your life when you have experienced or witnessed oppression in this target area. Your memory should be of a specific incident that took place at a specific time and place, with specific people. Avoid general statements!

Tell us as much detail as possible so that we can get a good idea of what happened. Please focus on giving us information, rather than assessing, analyzing, or judging the situation or the people in it. Describing the emotions that came up for you is helpful.

I personally being target at (you can choose one and write about it)

  • Race (Asian – people of color)
  • Ethnicity (Vietnamese)
  • Religious Culture (Buddhism)
  • National origin (non US born)
  • Gender (female)