post should consist of 3 detailed paragraphs of at least 300 words total with at least one well-chosen quote from each of the two primary texts in the Unit that you are discussing. Your post should offer a well-written, thought-provoking answer; think of it as a mini-essay. Demonstrate critical thinking and avoid generalizations or mere plot summary.

Your initial discussion post for each forum should be organized according to the following outline:

Paragraph One: Name your chosen theme. Include a quote from one of the primary texts that responds to your chosen theme. Discuss its significance, context, and how it relates to the theme.

Paragraph Two: Include a quote from a different primary text that responds to your chosen theme. Discuss its significance, context, and how it relates to the theme.

Paragraph Three: Compare the similarities and contrast the differences between the two texts in terms of their relationship to the theme, and discuss their overall significance (why these connections and differences matter and what they mean). Do not repeat from the previous two paragraphs.

Choose two primary texts from the Unit 3 class materials to discuss one of the following themes or theme pairs:

“Explicit argument” vs. “Implicit Argument”
“Freedom” vs. “Captivity”
“Mercy” vs. “Mercilessness”