Street Youth and Sex Working: Many believe that sex work is something that people actively choose to engage in. Create an argument as to whether street-involved youth ‘choose’ sex work (i.e., do youth ‘choose’ this work or is it an act of survival?).

Instructions / ideas:
• The essay should include Canadian sources / material. This is the foundation of the course / class.
• Ensure this assignment is focused only on STREET YOUTH (not adult activity)
• extended to also cover such things as:
o The criminalization of survival crimes and/or
o A counter position on “Get Tough” laws
o both of which have been a focus of the professor in class material
Prof Instructions: must follow guidelines.
• Construct a well-argued and researched argumentative essay.
• Include a clear, concise identifiable introduction. Which contains a thesis and plan.
• Use quotes sparingly, if at all. Paraphrase whenever possible (but MUST still cite it)
• This is a third year Sociology Critical Response
• All ideas must be cited.
• Include 4 academic sources.
• 8 pages; Calibri 12 black font, no title page
• APA Formatting; requiring page numbers and a running head in the top header (right-aligned)