You are the manager of a family medicine clinic in Falls Church Virginia. Your clinic accepts Medicare/ Medicaid types of payers.

For this clinic,
1. Make a list of services and procedures that would be performed. Go to supply companies online and in your area and research costs for these supplies
2. Choose how many physicians and the types of other personnel who work within the practice.
3. Create policies and procedures, as well as job descriptions for 2 personnel.
4. Search the Medicare Web site in the Falls Church Virginia area. Find the fee schedule for the physician’s office. Look up 10 codes and see what the different prices are for facility and non-facility fees.
5. Create a policy and procedure on when to use an MSP (Medicare as a Secondary Payer) questionnaire.
Be creative. Try to imagine and answer the questions from a management perspective (e.g., If I were the manager in this position, I would, or as a supervisor, I would….).
The format of the assignment is as follows:
• A cover sheet
• “Body” pages
• All text to be in Standard English with absolutely no spelling errors or grammatical mistakes.
• Proper citations, references, and bibliographies according to APA style.
• Page numbers, date and student name on each page.
• Times New Roman Font, Font size-12, single spaced pages.
Use the 80/20 rule. Work must be 80% of your own words and citations should be quoted.