1. Discuss the theoretical underpinnings for empirical findings of Yu and Yuan (2011). [6 marks]
2. Suppose that you decide to extend the US evidence from Yu and Yuan (2011) to another market. Select a market and motivate your selection. [8 marks]
3. Critically review related literature, and summarise and evaluate approaches to construct proxies for investor sentiment. [12 marks]
4. Determine a proxy for investor sentiment in your selected market, and elaborate motivation for your selection. [8 marks]
5. Present descriptive statistics of (i) market returns of the selected market and (ii) investor sentiment. [15 marks]
6. Select one method to filter conditional volatility of market returns, and present descriptive statistics of conditional volatility. [15 marks]
7. Examine (i) the relation between market returns and investor sentiment, and (ii) the relation between market returns and conditional volatility. Discuss potential limitations of your work. [36 marks]