Watch the video Six Core Principles of IDEA (6:00):–IJkVYItQ

Please pick a court case (Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas) and conduct research on it.
Your initial post will be a one page summary (450-500 words) of your case.

Describe the issues involved in the case and the outcome in laymen’s terms. Then, clearly explain how this case is related to one or more of the six IDEA principles.

Make note of how the information about how this case influences your thinking as to your role as an educator instructing students with disabilities in your class.

There is information in this week’s reading on each of the court cases in the textbook (Gargiulo, R. M. (2020). Special Education in Contemporary Society: An introduction to Exceptionality) Ch2. explains the court case : Brown v. Board of Education 1954: ”

“Segregation of students by race ruled unconstitutional; children deprived of equal educational opportunity. Ended “separate but equal” schools for white and black pupils. Used as a precedent for arguing that children with disabilities cannot be excluded from public education.”

^That was the only quote given in this weeks reading.  In addition to information in the reading, find one other source that gives some additional information on the case and include that in your summary (remember to cite your source).

The court case chosen is :

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas.