Take Home Essay #1

While there is no set length required for your response, you must answer question fully, indicating that you understand the subject matter and have provided the facts to back your ideas. Write concisely and in a focused, objective manner. The length of your answer matters far less than the quality of your thinking. Answer the following question:

A. Explain differences in approach between African American leaders Booker T. Washington & W. E. B.DuBois . Specifically address differences in their approaches in the following areas and explain WHY they differed in each case:

Views on blacks’ Education & Why?
Views on whether or not to accept Segregation and Why?
Do NOT describe the men separately! Bring them together in discussing specific differences between them, describing each difference & why each man supported what he advocated )

B. Then state and develop ONE similarity (comparison) and ONE difference (contrast) between 19th century American minority groups Native Americans (Indians) and Chinese Immigrants. AGAIN HERE, DO NOT DISCUSS THE GROUPS SEPARATELY. State each similarity and difference clearly and concisely, developing with historical examples from both groups to illustrate points. Organize around the comparison & contrast points & show how each group reflected the point of difference or similarity within the discussion of that particular similarity or difference point.


There will be two take-home essay questions to be submitted. The following requirements MUST be met. ALL DRAFTS SUBMITTED SHOULD HAVE CONSULTED WRITING OR PASS CENTER FOR EDITING ASSISTANCE!

Students must follow the format described below. Proper format will be graded as part of the writing mechanics aspect of submitted papers. Won’t accept unless attached to signed Writing or Pass Center forms confirming visit(s) (scanned or brought next class period if sending drafts as email attachments. Otherwise failing grade will be assigned. Seek help with writing mechanics!

A. Papers will be graded on the basis both of content and writing mechanics. Drafts must be typed and double spaced and submitted in designated Take Home Essay tab in Assignments section of Canvas.

MECHANICS/ORGANIZATION: Correct sentence structure, spelling, punctuation and concise, clear wording are required. Take a formal, objective tone, do not personalize and do not use colloquial expressions/terms (“sort of”, “kind of like”, “a lot of”, “let me tell you”…etc.). MUST include:

a. Brief Introductory paragraph (3 or 4 sentences) summarizing what will be covered (do NOT go into detail here!). Also avoid use of 1st or 2nd person personal pronouns (I, you, us, we, our, ours, your, etc.) and, as noted above, take formal tone. Instead of saying “I will cover the events of World War Two…”, or, “If you look at World War Two…”, could simply say “World War Two occurred in the mid twentieth century” or “The events of World War Two proved to be important in a number of ways”. Be detached & objective in tone. Do not personalize, stick to facts in support of views expressed. Use complete sentences, correct spelling, proper syntax, verb tense, etc.

b. Developmental paragraphs using complete sentences, addressing all parts of essay question in order, clearly and fully, with development of points using accurate, clearly-described examples. Read question carefully before writing & clarify with instructor, anything you find confusing. Wording must be clear, concise and direct. Do not jam unnecessary words into essay. Support what you say with factual evidence showing cause and effect. Use your own words. Direct quotes should be used sparingly if at all and must be punctuated correctly. DO NOT PLAGIARIZE SOURCES OF YOUR INFORMATION BY USING EXACT WORDS OF SOURCE (TEXTBOOK, ETC.) WITHOUT ATTRIBUTION. PLAGIARISM IS BOTH AN ACADEMIC AND DISCIPLINARY MATTER. .

c. Brief concluding paragraph at end of paper (3 or 4 sentences). Summarize ONLY FACTS THAT WERE PREVIOUSLY COVERED IN YOUR ANSWER. No new facts belong in conclusion.