.1.Choose a company and a product and explore its value chain to write a report focussing
on the four issues:
1.1 Discussthesustainabilityproblemassociatedwiththewidersectorlinkingtothe company and a product.
In this section, discuss in detail the social, environmental, ethical, and economic challenges associated with the sector, company and product of your choice. Provide evidence, data and examples to illustrate the extent of the challenges.
1.2 Explain the product value chain identifying materials and waste flows in each process from extraction, manufacturing, distribution, consumption and disposal.
In explaining the value chain, use a value chain diagram showing materials used in the process and the type of waste generated at different stages from extraction to disposal (e.g. see the value chain diagram 5.1). Where you cannot find complete information, make assumptions; but, state clearly the assumptions you have made and the basis of your assumptions. This lack of information is mostly associated with raw materials.
1.3 Propose which circular economy (CE) approaches the company could adopt to reduce/prevent waste and generate more value.
In proposing the CE approaches, revisit the value chain diagram and show at which stage the suggested CE approaches could be implemented (e.g. see the value chain diagram 5.2). In proposing CE approaches, look at the four building blocks, examples of companies to consider which aspects of CE have been implemented, such as design, business models, etc. Explain why the proposed approaches are most useful.

1.4 Discuss the factors that may enable and hinder the implementation of CE approaches.
This section should conclude the report by discussing the factors that can facilitate/enable the implementation of the proposed CE approaches. Similarly, it should also discuss the factors that may constraint/hinder the implementation of the proposed CE approaches.

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