Critical Analysis 2

Due: after Unit 8
Length: 750 words
Weight: 10% of the final grade

Read Just Another Indian, Warren Goulding’s account of deaths of five Aboriginal women in western Canada and the police investigation of those deaths, and Halfbreed, Maria Campbell’s account of her childhood and youth, and of the activism she engaged in after leaving her home. [Both books are included in your course package.]

Provide a critical analysis of these two books,and discuss the experience of Aboriginal women between 1960 and 1990 in Western Canada. What has changed? What has remained the same? Locate four articles from newspapers in your community or region of the country on Aboriginal women, issues, or both, from the time these books were written. How do these books and newspaper articles contribute to your understanding of the position of Aboriginal women in Canadian society in the twenty-first century?

Again, we recommend that you refer to the readings titled “Guide for Analyzing Readings and Articles” and “Guide to Critical Writing: Reviewing Articles and Books,” by Frank Tough as you complete this assignment.